The Impact of Integrated Functional Medicine


I was commissioned to work with Tina Shiver while she was working through rebranding, updating her website, and working to cast a new vision for all aspects of what she did in her practice.

My involvement in this process was to work with her business coach and web designer to create a full suite of visual assets, including photo and video, created over the course of two days of shooting.

The final deliverables were an introductory video on her landing page, testimonial videos, and branded wayfinding images demonstrating her expertise by working with clients in a variety of contexts.

Video Introduction

Two minute video placed at the top of her header, giving new visitors a quick introduction to Tina’s expertise, experience, and services. For this video, I shot all b-roll and interviews, coached Tina through the on-camera delivery, and worked with her business coach to craft a message without creating a rigid script.


Lisa’ Story

One of seven video testimonials on how Tina’s expertise and care created dramatic life changes. I shot and edited this piece, and helped the interview subject craft her story while working with her on-site.


Wayfinding Imagery

Photographs for Tina’s website and social media created to quickly show and tell Tina’s expertise, care for her clients, and what to expect when you visit.


Radius Track


Huff + Morris Architects